A Life Through Art - Sophie Taeuber Arp
by Silvia Boadella
Skira Publishing March 2021
Published to coincide with MoMA’s major retrospective exhibition of Sophie Taeuber Arp’s work Nov. 21, 2021 - Mar 12, 2022
An intimate look at the life and career of the Dada hero known for the unique joy of her work across mediums, authored by her great-niece and buttressed with archival material
Sophie Taeuber-Arp is a pioneer of modern art. She was at the center of Zurich’s Dada movement and is considered the most important female Swiss artist of the early twentieth century. She was a modern dancer, painter, sculptor, textile artist, designer, and interior architect. She made paper, textiles, wood, and glass shine – she bound light to matter in paintings, jewelry, embroidery, rugs, marionettes, furniture, and sculptures.
This unique portrait shows how Sophie remained passionately devoted to her art despite the threat of two world wars. Through her work, she not only found and preserved her inner self and joy in extremely difficult circumstances, but also tapped enormous strength to endure the challenges in her life and remain true to herself.
The author, Silvia Boadella, is Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s great-niece and grew up with Sophie’s art.